In a seemingly saturated world, having your unique identity is crucial for success in business and life. How often have you told yourself, “I want to be different” or ” I want to stand out from the crowd”? “Where should I start?” or ” How do I do this? “. Identitybox is your vehicle to help you achieve just that. I can help you achieve the brand identity or the personal identity you are looking for. I want to give you the tools necessary for your success, and trust me, it all starts with having a strong sense of knowing who you are, what you do, how you do it, your identity. I want to put my experience of over 30 years in marketing, advertising, design, and business at your disposal to help you achieve your financial, business, or personal goals faster. I want to mentor you and guide you in the path you should follow in the same way teachers in the past helped other students find their own voice and identity.
In the last 28 years, I have taught thousands of students how to think about design and themselves. I have also worked with prominent companies such as Hallmark, Sony, Panasonic, Pioneer, and many others, building on their brand. I have also worked in many industries, helping businesses achieve their brand identity and goals.
In this blog, I will teach you how to approach the competitive marketplace by finding your voice and developing your personal or business brand.
Sign up for our blog if you are considering freelancing, opening a business, or building your identity. I promise to send you only relevant content occasionally, not spam. Let me know your needs by sending me a message through my contact form. I can work with you one-on-one.